What is PaaS and SaaS ?

  • PaaS stands for Platform as a Service.

    • It is a cloud computing model where: a service provider offers a platform for developing, running, and managing applications. PaaS provides a pre-configured environment with resources such as operating systems, development tools, and databases.
    • Usually more configurable, but more time-consuming to setup.
  • SaaS stands for Software as a Service.

    • It is a cloud computing model where: a service provider hosts software applications and makes them available to users over the internet. Users can access and use these applications through web browsers without the need for installation or maintenance on their local devices.
    • Usually less configurable, but much easier to setup.

GovCMS PaaS vs SaaS

GovCMS Software as a Service (SaaS) customers get high quality security protection and compliance. Our services include website protection and ongoing website security assessments including IRAP. We also provide security patching, support and 24/7 monitoring. You are responsible for staff user accounts and content.

GovCMS Platform as a Service (PaaS) customers have greater responsibilities. PaaS websites don’t receive the same level of protection as provided to SaaS customers. PaaS customers need to ensure their website is secure. You’ll need to do your own security updates and patching as well as installation of module updates. Web protection services are an optional extra. Customers with PaaS websites are responsible for the Drupal application layer, user accounts, and content. Be mindful of your responsibility for others working with you such as external service providers and developers. Custom development can expose you to vulnerabilities.

Security featuresSoftware as a Service (SaaS)Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Security accredited (IRAP assessed)Everything is covered. You don’t need to undertake your own assessment.You still need to consider undertaking a risk assessment.Infrastructure layer only is covered. You are responsible for the Drupal application layer.You need to do your own IRAP at your own cost.
Security updatesAll patching including security updates is managed by us.You’re responsible for all patching including security updates or you can pay a service provider.
Web protection service****CDN, WAF and DDOSPart of the service - no extra cost.Web protection is an additional cost.
CMS MaintenanceWe do it for you.Updates to the CMS are rolled out to all SaaS customers.You can access the GovCMS Distribution for updates but need to deploy the changes to your own websites or you can pay a service provider.
