
Global Shortcuts



  • p pull
  • P push
  • q quit
  • z undo
  • <c+z> redo
  • / search (regex match)

less common

  • shift+plus/minus next/previous layout
  • @ toggle command log panel
  • : execute custom command (shell commands)
  • R refresh git stauts (git stauts && git brach &&)
  • <c+r> open recent git repositories

Panel ① - File Staging Area



  • <space> stage file selected
  • o open file selected
  • a stage all files
  • d discard changes of file selected
  • D advanced discard change options
  • Dx nuke working tree = git reset (git reset --hard HEAD) + remove unwanted files from your working directory (git clean -fd)

less common

  • S view stash options
  • Ss stash staged files only
  • Sa stash all files
  • y open yank/copy menu
  • r refresh file
  • <c+o> copy relative url path to clipboard

Panel ② - Branches and Origins



  • <space> checkout branch selected
  • n create new branch (from current selected branch)

less common

  • o open the current branch’s github page

  • c checkout by branch name

  • M merge selected branch into currently checked out branch

Panel ③ - Commits and Reflog



  • r reword commit (you will have to force push after this)
  • t create a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by a specific commit without modifying the commit history


  • g show reset options
  • gm mixed reset: keep unstaged and staged changes on current working directory
  • gs soft reset: keep only staged changes (remove unstaged changes)
  • gh hard reset: (recommended but be careful) keep none of the changes on current working directory, make current files exactly like the resetting commit


  • f quick fixup current commit with the previsou commit
  • F show fixup options
  • Ff fixup last commit (add a new commit with the commit message “!fixup msg-of-last-commit”)
  • S show apply all fixup commit options
  • Sa show apply all fixup commit above current commit

less common

  • o open the current commit’s github page
  • r reword the selected commit
  • A ammend last commit (add current staged changes to last commit, without any commit message change)
  • d (do not use !) drop the selected commit (will not reset/revert the changes !!!!)

Panel ④ - Stash Area



  • g (recommended) apply the stash entry to your working directory, and remove the stash entry.
  • <space> (do not use) apply the stash entry to your working directory, but not remove the stash entry.

less common

  • r rename stash entry
  • d drop (delete the stash entiy without recovery)
