Error/Issue Encountered

When I am attempting to uninstall one of the modules, it says The following reason prevents XXXX from being uninstalled: Fields pending deletion, like the following screenshot shows:


Resolution Approach - 1

Method proopsed by naomi:

It turns out that deleted fields in Drupal 8 are stored in the key_value table.

To find them you can do that via the command

select * from key_value where name = "field.field.deleted" or name = ""

The values are stored as a blob, but can be viewed (e.g. in phpmyadmin you can click on it to download, and view in vim or similar). The value does not make much sense to a human, but having gone through the code printing and error-logging various things it was clear to me that these entries were what was holding up the uninstall. I backed up the table and deleted the entries, and then was able to uninstall the module.

The same suggestion is made here in answer to a related issue:

Resolution Approach - 2

Method proposed by MegaChriz:

Try one or more of the following:

  1. Try to run cron again.

  2. Check the log for any warnings about fields.

  3. Try to enforce field deletion using the following command:

drush php-eval 'field_purge_batch(10000);

Method proposed by sealionking:

I encountered the same issue with a field which was used in 7000+ entities, while the purge_batch_size: 1000 is not work, increase the number to over 7000 works. So purge_batch_size: 10000 works for my instance.

I solved this problem just by execute the following command:

drush php-eval 'field_purge_batch(10000);'

Method proposed by 4uk4:

The fields are deleted by cron runs. But only a fixed batch size. You can configure a higher value. If you can’t use drush you can do this in UI. Go to the page /admin/config/development/configuration/single/import and add in field.settings a higher batch size:

purge_batch_size: 1000

and run cron again.

