Issue Reproduced

I was going to make a node’s url match with its menu configuration, this causes me having to go to the configuration page: “Admin > Config > Url-Alias > Pattern” (/admin/config/search/path/patterns), and add a pattern “[node:menu-link:parents:join-path]/[node:title]”.

As I try to add the new pattern as described above, I’ve got the error: “Path pattern is using the following invalid tokens: [node:menu-link:parent:join-path].


After some investigation, I findout this issue only happens on GovCMS SaaS Platform; The Venilla Drupal 10 works fine (adding the pattern “[node:menu-link:parents:join-path]/[node:title]”) without this issue and same does the PaaS version of the platform. (Hopefully this can get patched soon…. ?)

Resolution of Error

Anyhow you can resolve this simply by config synchronizaiont:

  1. Create a placeholder pattern with “path-pattern” being “[node:title]”
  2. Export configuration via drush cex
  3. Change line in corresponding pathauto.pattern.XXXXX.yml file
    • Drop line pattern: [node:title] (example file before: link)
    • Replace the line with pattern: '[node:menu-link:parents:join-path]/[node:title]' (example file after: link)
  4. Import the configuration back via drush cim


After the importation all your config will be there and works as enticipated !