The break-through that made us all …. unable to do math: TTL Mode

In the previous post, I’ve explained in a very primitive scenario, where there is an object with infinitely far background, camera’s on auto, and flashlight is non-TTL; Without any human intervension to adjust the explosure compensation setting on camera, the camera will over-expose the object.

And in order to ensure the correct explosure of the object with the flashlight, one will need to adjust the on-camera explosure compensation, and how this can be troublesome in the condition where the object is moving.

[ILLUSTRATION - (+2) on flashlight & (-2) on the camera with a guy standing behind the camera]

However, with the help of Through-The-Lens metering (or TTL), you won’t have to worry about these configuration


Fill-flash aims to balance the light on the subject with the ambient light in the background. The camera meters for ambient light to expose the background correctly and uses the flash to fill in shadows on the subject.

In fill-flash mode, the camera prioritizes balancing the flash output with the ambient light to ensure the subject is properly illuminated. Therefore:
Changing the exposure compensation primarily affects the flash output. The camera’s metering system ensures the ambient exposure remains as intended, focusing on adjusting the flash output to illuminate the subject correctly.

fill flash vs slow sync ?????????????