View Mode

  • Toggle Side Panel: Tab
  • Toggle Zoom (Un-zoom): Space
  • Toggle Bottom Film Strip: /
  • Toggle View Original: \
  • Toggle Clipping: j (White-Clipping-Red, Black-Clipping: Blue)
  • Toggle Histogram: ⌘ 0

Picture Mode

  • Photo Grid: g
  • Compare: ⌥ c
  • Detail (for editing): d
  • Full Screen (for preview): f
  • Zoom in/out/reset: ⌘ +/⌘ + -/space

Panel Toggle

  • Toggle Photo Panel: p
  • Toggle Preset Panel: ⇧ p
  • Toggle Edit Panel: e
  • Toggle Crop/Geometry Panel: c
  • Toggle Healing Panel: h
  • Toggle Masking Panel: m

Metadata and Keyword

  • Metadata Information: i
  • Keyword Labeling: k
  • Add Keyword: ⌘ k

Flagging (Raise/Drop = Pick/Reject)

  • Raise Flag (=Pick): ⌘ ↑
  • Drop Flag (=Reject): ⌘ ↓

Flagging (Pick/Reject)

  • Pick: z
  • Reject: x
  • Unflag: u
  • Pick and next: ⇧ z
  • Reject and next: ⇧ x
  • Unflag and next: ⇧ u

Flagging (Star)

  • 1 Star: 1
  • 2 Star: 2
  • 3 Star: 3
  • 4 Star: 4
  • 5 Star: 5
  • 1 Star and next: ⇧ 1
  • 2 Star and next: ⇧ 2
  • 3 Star and next: ⇧ 3
  • 4 Star and next: ⇧ 4
  • 5 Star and next: ⇧ 5

Adjust Modifier

  • Auto-adjustment: ⌥ (option) + click (when trial change)
  • Fine-adjustment: ⌥ (option) (when make small change)
  • Leap-adjustment: ⇧ (shift) (when make big change)
  • Change paint size: scroll (up/down = bigger/smaller)


  • Default Zoom in/out: click
  • Zoom to default view: space
  • Zoom via selection: ⌥ drag
  • Reset zoom (to default): space

Picker Adjustment (Click+Drag)

  • Guided Upright: ⇧ g
  • Picker - None: ⌥ ⇧ ⌘ n
  • Picker - White Balance (Neutral-Gray Picker): j
  • Picker - Point-Color (Color-Mixer Picker): ⇧ h
  • Picker - Curve: ⌥ ⇧ ⌘ t
  • Picker - Hue: ⌥ ⇧ ⌘ h
  • Picker - Saturation: ⌥ ⇧ ⌘ s
  • Picker - Luminance: ⌥ ⇧ ⌘ l

Section Toggle

  • Light: ⌘ 1
  • Color: ⌘ 2
  • Effects: ⌘ 3
  • Detail: ⌘ 4
  • Optics: ⌘ 5
  • Lens Blur: ⌘ 6
  • Geometry: ⌘ 7

Crop Geometry

  • Toggle Composition Guideline: o (e.g. rule-of-third to golden-rectangle)
  • Rotate Left (Clockwise): ⌘ [
  • Rotate Right (Anti-clockwise): ⌘ ]
  • Flip Horizontal: ⇧ ⌘ [
  • Flip Vertical: ⇧ ⌘ ]
  • Toggle Composition Guide o (e.g. rule of third to diagonal)


  • Toggle Healing Panel: h
  • Cycle Remove Type: ⇧ t
  • Toggle spot: a
  • Refresh: /


  • Toggle Masking Panel: m
  • Toggle Mask Overlay: o
  • Cycle Mask Overlay Colors: ⇧ o
  • Show Pins and Tools: ⌘ o
  • Paint Invert tool (addition/subtraction): ⌥(hold) paint
  • Paint Join Point with Line (connect the dot): first paint, then ⇧(hold) click
  • Invert selected mask: ⌘ i