
As I download some contributed theme from the, I found the majority of these contributed themes are holding a component directory with in their theme root folder:


Inside this <theme-root>/component folder seems to be dozens built-in of single-directory component (SDC) provided by theme, which makes me wonder if we are allowed to reuse these to our advantage. It turns out you can use the {% include %} or {% embed %} keyword to re-use these component in any twig template, and I’ll demonstrate how in this blog post.

(The specifics on how to create a SDC can be found here: link-1, link-2. If you are interested in creating SDC of your own, you can refer to this link, another blog post of mine is also about this topic)


Pre-requisit Drupal and Theme Setup

Before proceeding, you will need to have:

  • A working Drupal 10 installation
  • Installed bootstrap (Bootstrap5) and have set it as your default theme
  • Also remeber to choose a “load libary” in the installed theme’s setting (see: screenshot for instruction) if you don’t the theme will be style-less.

Use component via {%include%} function

Demo-1: include button

To beign with, let’s demonstrate a very simple case to re-purpose one of button component located at the boostrap/component/alert folder, by {% include %} it in the *.html.twig template. Below are the files located in the alert component’s folder, followed by its usage in the page.html.twig (note that the button.css is filled with some placehodler style for demo purpose):



From the above example, we can see: the use of a compoennt in *.html.twig template using the twig’s build-in {% include [module/theme-name]:[component] with {arguments1:value1, argument2:value2, ...} %} function; There are two parameters you need to enter differently based on your specific need:

  • [theme-name]:[component]: the component ID
  • {arguments1:value1, argument2:value2, ...: the exact argument based on the defined structure in <sdc-name>.component.yaml file.

Demo-2: include accordion

Another demonstration of the use for include function, below are the three relevant files that made-up the accordion SDC in bootstrap/components/accordion, followed by its usecase in page.html.twig



Demo3: include Card

Another example using boostrap/components/card as the component in page.html.twig, in this one I’ll showcase how to pass in class-names using the attribute property in the schema (notice here I have modified line-1 of the class.tiwg file from <div class='card'> to <div {{ attributes.addClass('card').addClass(classList) }}> for demo purpose):



Notice in this example I used the Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute property in the schema, to add the border and border-success to the attribute of the component (and you can use it via {{attributes}} in the component’s twig template.

Use component via {%embed%} function

Demo1: embed card (with button in footer block)

By using embed funciton you can override twig blocks (aka slots), for instance let’s override the previously showcased bootstrap/component/card component, to use <h1> as the wrapper of the card_header_block, and to include a button in the card_footer_block area of the card (note ethat these slots/blocks needs to be pre-defined in the SDC in both the twig and yml file):



